Wednesday, July 15, 2020

TESOL Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

TESOL  Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

If you plan to join the many thousands of people who head overseas each year to teach English, you should seriously consider completing a TEFL certification course before you start applying for jobs. A TEFL certificate is the standard qualification for English language teachers worldwide, and although it is still possible to find teaching positions in some countries without certification, the vast majority of employers who offer a good rate of pay and a settled work environment now expect their teachers to be TEFL certified.

Unfortunately, a quick online search will reveal that there are a large number of course providers offering all manner of TEFL courses that vary hugely in terms of cost and the time required to complete them. So how do you know which one to choose? The first thing to remember is that TEFL courses are usually categorized by the estimated time they take to complete. For example, you will find courses ranging from as little as 40 hours or even less, all the way up to 500-hour courses and beyond. The rule of thumb here is that anything under 100 hours is generally considered an introductory course that is ideal for people planning to volunteer as an English teacher; however, a certificate of over 100 hours is usually expected for most jobs that pay a good salary. Take a look at our FAQ for more information regarding TEFL course hours.

  • All courses should meet international standards for the regulation of acceptable English language teaching certification.
  • They should offer online courses that include at least 100 hours of training and input.
  • They should offer in-class courses that include a minimum of 6 hours of observed teaching practice with real English language students.
  • Training materials should cover vital teaching skills, classroom management, language awareness (grammar), phonology subjects, as well as how to apply these effectively in the classroom.
  • All in-class trainers and online tutors must be highly-experienced and qualified professionals.
  • Every course must be moderated and inspected by an independent teaching body or professional.
  • All teaching materials and training methods should be updated regularly to reflect developments in language teaching.

combined courses TOEFL and TEFL training

combined courses TOEFL and TEFL training

The acronym TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. While this term is used for the physical act of actually teaching English abroad, it is also commonly used to refer to the training courses that many prospective teachers complete before heading overseas, as well as the qualification they receive upon successfully graduating from the course. By gaining a TEFL certificate it is possible to find work as an English language teacher in almost any country of your choice worldwide.

While researching the ins and outs of English language teaching you are likely to come across a few other acronyms similar to TEFL that can cause some confusion, such as TESOL, TESL and ELT. The truth is that these acronyms are generally used interchangeably and different countries, companies, and individuals have their own preference as to which they use and how they use them. The technical definitions of these acronyms are outlined below.

This term is predominantly used when English is being taught in a country where it isn't the native language (for example teaching English to Spanish people in Spain).

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

IELTS General Training Reading band score 1 and 2 levels

IELTS General Training Reading band score 1 and 2 levels

The General Training Reading test consists of three sections and 40 questions. It focuses on situations you might face in everyday life, work-related issues such as applying for a job, and topics of general interest. The extracts in each section are taken from books, magazines, newspapers, notices, advertisements, company handbooks and guidelines. 

Section 1 looks at your social survival skills. The questions relate back to short texts that are relevant to everyday life in an English-speaking country. These might be notices, advertisements or timetables.

Section 2 takes a closer look at your workplace survival skills. The texts here are taken from job descriptions, contracts, staff development and training manuals, as well as pay and workplace condition documents.

Section 3 contains a long and more complex text on a topic of general interest. Texts could be taken from newspapers, magazine or books.

The reading part of the IELTS test looks at how well you can understand main ideas, details, inferences and implied meaning. It also assesses your ability to follow the development of an argument, recognise a writer's opinion, attitudes and purpose.

Band 1 
Skill level

Essentially has no ability to use the language beyond possibly a few isolated words.
Band 2 
Skill level
Intermittent user

No real communication is possible except for the most basic information using isolated words or short formulae in familiar situations and to meet immediate needs. Has great difficulty understanding spoken and written English.

Sentence completion of IELTS general reading training

Sentence completion of IELTS  general reading training

In this sentence completion question type, you will complete sentences taken from the reading text. The instructions will make it clear how many words or numbers you should use in your answer, e.g. ‘NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage’, ‘ONE WORD ONLY’ or ‘NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS’. If you write more than the number of words in the instruction, you will lose the mark. Numbers can be written using figures or words. Hyphenated words count as single words. The questions are in the same order as the information in the passage: that is, the answer to the first question in this group will be found before the answer to the second question, and so on. 
Matching sentence endings assesses your ability to locate detail or specific information.

In this summary completion question type, you will be given a summary of a section of the text and are required to complete it with information taken from the text. The summary will usually be of only one part of the passage rather than the whole. 
The given information may be in the form of: 
  • several connected sentences of text (referred to as a summary) 
  • several notes (referred to as notes) 
  • a table with some of its cells empty or partially empty (referred to as a table) 
  • a series of boxes or steps linked by arrows to show a sequence of events, with some of the boxes or steps empty or partially empty (referred to as a flow-chart). 
The answers will not necessarily occur in the same order as in the text. However, they will usually come from one section rather than the entire text.
There are two variations of this task type. You may be asked to:
  1. select words from the text
  2. select from a list of answers. 
Where words have to be selected from the passage, the instructions will make it clear how many words or numbers you should use in your answers, e.g. ‘NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage’, ‘ONE WORD ONLY’ or ‘NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS’. If you write more than the number of words asked for, you will lose the mark.
Numbers can be written using figures or words. Hyphenated words count as single words. Where a list of answers is provided, they most frequently consist of a single word.
Because this task type often relates to precise factual information, it is often used with descriptive texts.
Summarising assesses your ability to understand details and/or the main ideas of a section of text. In the variations involving a summary or notes, you will need to be aware of the type of word(s) that will fit into a given gap (for example, whether a noun is needed, or a verb, etc.). 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

IELTS, TEFL, TOEFL Speaking band score 5 th level

IELTS, TEFL, TOEFL  Speaking  band score 5 th level

The IELTS Speaking is the same for both General Training and Academic and assesses your use of spoken English. All speaking tests are conducted face-to-face with a certified IELTS examiner and are recorded in case they need to be reviewed.

The Speaking test takes between 11 and 14 minutes and consists of 3 parts. Part 1 is the first part of the test where the examiner will ask you some general questions about familiar topics like work, family, studies and hobbies.

In Part 2 you will be given a card with a topic. You will be given one minute to take notes on the topic and will be given a pencil and paper to prepare your response, you will then speak on the topic for two minutes. In Part 3 of the interview, you will have a two-way discussion with the examiner where they will ask questions related to the topic discussed in Part 2.

The Speaking test may be conducted on the same day as the other tests or a week before or after the other test parts.

Band 5
Fluency and coherence
Usually maintains flow of speech but uses repetition, self correction and/or slow speech to keep going
May over-use certain connectives and discourse markers
Produces simple speech fluently, but more complex communication causes fluency problems

Lexical resource
Manages to talk about familiar and unfamiliar topics but uses vocabulary with limited flexibility
Attempts to use paraphrase but with mixed success

Grammatical range and accuracy
Produces basic sentence forms with reasonable accuracy
Uses a limited range of more complex structures, but these usually contain errors and may cause some comprehension problems

Shows all features of Band 4 and some, but not all the positive features of Band 6

Friday, June 19, 2020

About us IELTS English language preparation for speaking

About us IELTS English language preparation for speaking

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is the world’s leading English language proficiency test, taken by over 3.5 million people last year.

IELTS assesses all of your English skills — reading, writing, listening and speaking, and is designed to reflect how you will use English at study, at work, and at play, in your new life abroad.

The test is developed by some of the world’s leading experts in language assessment. It has an excellent international reputation, and is accepted by over 10,000 organisations worldwide, including schools, universities, employers, immigration authorities and professional bodies.

Uniquely IELTS tests your English conversation skills through a face-to-face speaking test which means that you are assessed by having a conversation with a real person. This is the most effective and natural way of testing your English conversation skills.

You can take IELTS Academic or IELTS General Training depending on the organisation you are applying to and your plans for the future.

Whatever your reason for taking IELTS, make the most of your language skills.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

how to get OET English language Certification

how to get OET  English language Certification

The Writing sub-test takes 45 minutes and is profession-specific. There is one task set for each profession based on a typical workplace situation and the demands of the profession – a nurse does the task for nursing, a dentist does the task for dentistry, and so on.

  • The task is to write a letter, usually a referral letter. Some alternative letter types are a letter of transfer and a letter of discharge. A letter to advise or inform a patient, carer or group is sometimes used in Pharmacy, Veterinary Science and occasionally for Speech Pathology and Occupational Therapy. Another task variation, with a different focus, is a written response to a complaint (for Radiography).
  • Along with the task instructions, you will receive stimulus material (case notes and/or other related documentation) which includes information to use in your response.

Your performance on the Writing sub-test is marked independently by a minimum of two trained Assessors. Neither Assessor knows what scores the other has given you, or what scores you have achieved in any of the other sub-tests.
Your performance is scored against six criteria and receives a band score for each criterion:
  • Purpose (Whether the purpose of the letter is immediately apparent to the reader and sufficiently expanded in the course of the letter)
  • Content (Whether all the necessary information is included and accurate for the reader)
  • Conciseness & Clarity (Whether unnecessary information is omitted so that the letter is an effective summary for the reader)
  • Genre & Style (Whether the register, tone and use of abbreviations are appropriate for the reader)
  • Organisation & Layout (Whether the letter is organised and well laid out for the reader)
  • Language (Whether the accuracy of the grammar, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation communicates the necessary information to the reader)

Monday, March 16, 2020

how to get of TELF certification

how to get of TELF certification

There is no doubt a TEFL certification is one of the most valuable qualifications an English speaker can have today. The English language becomes more important every day and many countries are in need of teachers. If you have decided to obtain your TEFL you have made the right choice! Online certifications are best for those who need a flexible experience to properly fit their schedule.

Despite the rumors, online TEFL certifications are just as good as their in-class counterparts and are accepted widely. Although in class teaching experience, like that offered by many in-class certifications, is extremely valuable -- you don’t need experience to get a job! I am living proof of that -- I had never taught before but I still got hired by a wonderful private academy in South Korea with my online TEFL certification. how to get of TELF certification

To help you choose the right online TEFL program for you, I've worked with Go Overseas to crunch the numbers and compare the programs listed below. Read on for review snippets and highlights from the nine best online TEFL courses, and what makes each one so great.

Start by completing the course enrollment and get instant access to your TESOL/TEFL course. It takes less than two minutes to begin, and you can enroll at any time.

 Study online
You’ll receive your certificate as soon as you complete the course assessments. The certificate displays your name, your certificate’s unique ID number, date of completion, and the details of the course modules and assessments completed.

TEFL or TESOL Certification getting a job in abroad countries

TEFL or TESOL Certification  getting a job in abroad countries

TEFL” is the acronym for Teaching English as a Foreign Language, or simply, English language instruction for non-native speakers. Also known as Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), English Language Teaching (ELT), and teaching ESL (English as a Second Language). The field of TEFL/TESOL represents one of the fastest growing educational fields in the world. The field presents thousands of excellent professional opportunities for teaching English abroad in all corners of the globe to native and fluent English speakers who earn their TEFL/TESOL certification.

In practical terms, when these terms are applied to the field of teaching English abroad, there is little or no difference between “TEFL” and “TESOL.” They are both acronyms that essentially mean the same thing: teaching the English language to non-native speakers. Likewise, in the vast majority cases, when it comes to teaching English abroad, a “TEFL certification” and a “TESOL certification” are the same and the terms are interchangeable.

On a more technical level, TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) is the term applied to the teaching of English to non-native speakers in native English speaking countries, so those who will earn degrees and work domestically in the field in the UK, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and South Africa and US will typically use the term “TESOL.”

To Teach English as a Foreign Language in a foreign country (non-native English speaking country), a TEFL Certification is typically required as schools and language institutes want to hire teachers who have received proper training. You don't need to possess a degree in education, prior teaching experience, or even a college degree to get paid to teach English abroad. Private language schools abroad, online teaching companies and government programs that recruit native English speakers to teach abroad all seek to hire people who have received a certain degree of professional level training. Internationally recognized standards hold that professional-level TEFL certification must meet certain standards established by leading bodies in the field.  


Friday, March 13, 2020

How can i Speaking of IELTS English of Advanced Learners

How can i Speaking of IELTS English of Advanced Learners

It is evident that English has become an essential part of everyone’s life. In higher education, especially graduate studies, English inevitably plays a crucial role in determining the success or failure of the students. In order to screen applicants for graduate studies, it is important to devise a standardized test which is reliable, valid, and practical. Conventionally, most English proficiency tests in Thailand will have three subtests in common. These sub tests include: Error identification, Multiple-choice cloze, and Reading comprehension.
The criterion-related validity was established by using Pearson’s correlation coefficient to determine the relationship between the IELTS and the TOEFLcores. The results revealed that the overall correlation with TOEFL CB IELTS Form  IELTS Form B were able to predict general proficiency of the test taker to a certain extent, based on TOEFL as a criterion measure.

How can i writing IELTS English Language

How can i writing IELTS English Language

               A user can scan through a text easily, but it is not the case for spoken content, because they cannot be directly displayed on-screen.
As a result, accessing large collections of spoken con-tent is much more difficult and time-consuming than doing so for the text content. It would therefore be helpful to develop machines that understand spoken content. In this paper, we propose two new tasks for machine comprehension of spoken content. The first is a listening comprehension test for IELTS, a challenging academic English examination for English learners who are not the native English speakers. We show that the proposed model out performs the naive approaches and other neural network based models by exploiting the hierarchical structures of natural languages and the selective power of attention mechanism. For the second listening comprehension task – spoken squad– we find that speech recognition errors severely impair machine comprehension; we propose the use of sub word units to mitigate the impact of these errors.

With the popularity of shared videos, social networks, on-line courses, and the like, the quantity of multimedia or spoken content is growing much faster than what human being scan view or listen to. A user can scan through text easily, but it is not the case for spoken content because they cannot be directly displayed on-screen. Therefore, accessing large collections of multimedia or spoken content is difficult and time-consuming for humans. Hence, it is desirable that machines automatically listen to and understand spoken content, and extract or even visualize the key information for humans.

Friday, February 7, 2020

IELTS Result

Candidates who register for IELTS exam has to enter their address details along with their personal details in the respective column, in addition, they should also upload the scanned copy of their passport`s the front and last page. Following which the IELTS result card will be posted to their respective registered address after they successfully complete the exam within twenty days time duration whereas the result will be available in the website and also would be sent to their registered mobile phones as a text message within fourteen days of time since the candidate has attended the exam. Candidate can log in with their passport number and date of birth as their log in credentials in their respective registered websites such as IDP or British council after fourteen days since they attended the exam.
Whereas those who attend the computer based exam will receive their result in five working days and the result card will be posted within seven days since they attended their exams. Candidates also could request the IELTS organisation for sending their report card directly to the universities if they have written academic module or to the respective immigration department of the western countries of they have written general module. On the day of the exam, hard copy of the copies of front and last page of the passport should be submitted else results will be withheld till it has been submitted. At Prestige institute, all the above procedures are guided through out all the process when the candidate enrols here.

IELTS Speaking

IELTS speaking exam takes place separately on a day and not along with other modules; and the total duration will be from twelve to fifteen minutes. The speaking is divided into three parts. First parts will have 8 questions, where questions will be posed regarding two topics with four questions under each topic. This part will be from general topic like family, friends and even mirrors too. It is advised that each question should be answered for twenty seconds at the least to avoid the number of questions in this section getting increased as the examiner has to keep you engaged till four or five minutes.
Section 2 is for two to three minutes, where a cue card mentioned with a topic and four related questions are given to you along with a pencil and paper in which you can make notes for one minute time and has to give a talk for two minutes from the notes you make. This section will be completed after a couple of questions related to the topic. Then finally section three where 6 questions will be asked for four to five minutes from the topic you had in section two. The answers should be an extended one using linking words and for thirty seconds duration at the least. All the three sections are score under four criteria such as oral fluency, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary with each having equal weightage of marks. To find out more details and tips and tricks for scoring band 9, attend the IELTS speaking classes at Prestige institute.

IELTS test advice

IELTS candidates are to be taught with nuances for scoring higher band of more than 7 in all the four modules such as listening, reading, writing and speaking as practice alone will not be sufficient for those who need band score of more than 7. Candidates needs to know the tips for not getting panic during the exam especially in the listening module as most of them panic when they miss one answer and eventually this will result in missing the subsequent answers. And considering the speaking module, students get panic when they don’t understand the question and therefore struggle to answer thereby not providing a relevant answer for the questions. This will make them get less band score of band 5 or less even if they are well versed in English fluency.
Candidates also should be relaxed while attending the writing module as they have to promptly reply to the question and should not get diverted. If they are tensed and if they panic, they will fail to do so and result in writing the answer directly without brainstorming and also allotting few minutes to check for errors. At Prestige institute, candidates are taught with various practice session for this and also with many props to not panic and thus make them achieve band 9 easily even in the first attempt. Candidates must make sure that they follow all the tips provided at the Prestige IELTS institute and also complete the practice set provided here before they sit for the exam.

IELTS training center

To properly schedule the preparation, you can choose to opt for a tutor or join institutions that are well known for training the IELTS portions. The foremost step for any exam is to know the pattern in which the examination is conducted and mark your expectations from it by thinking wisely. You will have to go through the format of the exam thoroughly before starting and understand about the preparations you need to level up to. To shorten the time and practice more, the institutes will provide all the necessary amendments you require in the course work. This is a perfect choice for those you need to know all about it and practice in a short period of time positively. Well, it is also a question of choice from which center the IELTS Coaching will suit you well. And also you cannot blame anyone for any of the negative causes as well, so if you are lucky enough to select the right place from where you can be guided in the most possible way then the consequences will also be in your favor as some people are excelled in pushing or guiding people in the right manner accordingly.


Becoming an IELTS tutor does not merely depend on the IELTS score of a person as more nuances, tips and teaching method of IELTS should be well versed to them. They also should have patience in making the students understand the modules and clarify their doubts then and there without hesitation. Further they also should be experienced in handling the students and make the class well organized and interesting as if the candidates feel bored, they will not be attentive and this will in turn lead to scoring less band than they are capable of. Candidates always expect an experienced and mature IELTS tutor for their course as they can have confidence on them for practicing and following the tips and tricks provided by the IELTS tutors.
IELTS tutors as Prestige institute have to always sit for IELTS exam and prove themselves capable to teach students, and this will happen periodically so that the tutor will be updating themselves about the recent trends and facts about IELTS so that they can teach them to the students and make them score a band of more than 9 which the candidate would have not even aimed for. IELTS tutors here will also has to frequently enrich their vocabulary and improve it on day to day basis as this will make them develop a higher end English training to the candidates who enrol to the IELTS course. Therefore, we can strongly assure you that here the IELTS tutors are very much capable of providing you with an excellent training for the IELTS course and provided they have your cooperation, they can ensure that you can score more than band 7 in all modules.